Three More Centurions Located
169013 - 169085 - 169096
169013 has all the Vietnam configuration and would not take much to have it made up as it was in Vietnam
She is a runner and has been stored in this shed since purchase in the 1990's
The cut down guards, front and rear, are still fitted
She still looks pretty straight all over
169085 was not a Vietnam tank but does have all the MK 5/1 external fittings
She has road wheels that look brand new
Also sports the cut back guards
The big storms over the last month blew some iron from the shed
169085 and 169096 have both also been under cover since the early 1990's
Both were driven into this shedding but have not been moved since
169096 did serve in Vietnam as 31C, 21C
169096 hit a mine in May 69 and was penetrated when hit by 2 RPG's in June 69
Both the Mine and the RPG strikes were repaired in SVN.
Both 169085 and 160096 are for sale.
Any genuine buyers please contact me in the first instance and I will pass on all details
I asked Andrew The centurions owner why they brought them, as it appeared they had done nothing much with them. He explained that his father brought about a dozen Grants after the Second World War, that he used to pull logs out of the Murray River. This proved quite successful and when the Centurions came up they purchased three and stored them for future use, but they never got around to using them.
One way of fitting a turret
Grant with a turret
Radial Motor
Most of the next lot are self explanatory just a walk around the scrap yard
There were also quite a lot of parts around as well
Another radial motor
Another radial
Then there were some interesting Tanks
Looks like an engine swap as I thought these had a radial?
The Bendigo Centurion
169095 - "BULLWINKLE"
169095 has been purchased by the Bendigo R.S.L.
The tank appears to have all the gear
I believe its a runner
Looks nice and straight
Will make a nice addition to the Bendigo R.S.L Museum complex
Photos taken of 169095 for me by John Loughman, Bendigo
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