169075 Has been sold
169075 did belong to Glenn Griffin in Qld. It has now changed hands and is at Archerfield , also in Qld.
Some Centurion Mk 5 cards sent in by Michael Martin
An example of what the crews had to do at the end of the day --- regardless of what time work stopped or the weather.
Here are the fire instruction that the Crew Commander had to know and understand, as well as the rest of the crew.
It was a bit more than "Tank - Front - HE - Fire!"
I hope this will be of some interest to civilian people, who do show a great interest in the Centurion-MBT
John Loughman
You may not know John but you have seen his work in an earlier page. John did the model for me for the display at the Vietnam Veterans Museum
It was a make up of 169007 which served in Vietnam under Sgt. Bob (Jock) Browning. The finished item was so good that I asked John to remake my 1/25 Centurion up the same way. I wanted it to look as the cents were in Vietnam
John did a lot of the models at the Museum from 1/32 Centurions up to six foot long ships. The ship and an APC were made from scratch. John made every bit. Something that can only be appreciated, 1: when you see the finished product and 2: when you know how each item was obtained and how much work went into making each and every item.
These are just a few of the items in John Shed. John's next venture
Every little knob and switch is there in detail
There was no information plate on display, so to most people it was just a tank! No mention that it was a Vietnam Service Centurion
At least the Spitfire and the gun mount had a information plate
Below the mighty Abrams -- No matter how much you pay for a tank or what it has in the way of technology, Mother Nature can bring it to a sudden stop
Brenton managed to stick his Abrams in the mud quite successfully. Yep, brings back memories!
One thing that I find hard to understand, is all the people and organizations that display Centurions ----
no one has set one up as they were in Vietnam. Not even the Vietnam Veterans Museum
Its ok to say that the general public are happy to see a Centurion Tank, but all I have seen displayed leave a lot to be desired.
"A" Barrels, in some cases no .50 cal mounted in the mantlet, even some with the incorrect turret fitted. Using some of my models below I will point out some of the differences
The left hand tank shows the old MK3 with the side plates installed, the right one with them removed. This was the setup in my day in the early 1950's. Note the absence of the 100 gallon external fuel tank.
NOTE: "A" Barrels, one machine gun, full mudguards and the placement of the radio antenna's.
This model was 169005 owned by Peter Jarratt. This was the first tank I drove after 40 years after leaving the army. Note full guards "B"Barrel.30 and .50 cal machine guns in the mantlet and road wheels on the Glacis plate This is more or less the ex Vietnam tank after it returned to Australia, with many modifications removed and the 100 gallon tank fitted
As in Vietnam: "B" Barrel, barrel name, off set road wheels on the Glacis. Cut back mud guards mud scrapers on the guards. IR light and rear cage fitted..
Note: Antenna positions and the Crew Commanders ammo rack and radio behind the cupola lid.
Also the jerry cans for water on the transmission compartment and 30 cal liners on the rear fuel tank. Also in view are some crew ration packs and items carried in the IR Cage
This shows the road wheels that are not offset, and mud scrapers on the left hand guard and the cut back mudguards. Also seen are some extra 20 pounder rounds carried on the engine compartment
A complete shot of the rear view
A couple of shots of the 1/35 and the 1/25 models I have in full Vietnam rig.
The left one is 169069 that was driven in Vietnam by my mate Rusty Dyson The one on the right is 169007 which was Jock Browning's tank in Vietnam
I did want to convert 169016, the tank at the Vietnam Veterans Museum, into a Vietnam look a like, but obtaining a "B" barrel was impossible, pity as everything else could be obtained.
I did have a full Vietnam tank available for loan to the Museum at no cost, but the museum choose not to accept it.